Standard Response Protocol
CISD follows the Standard Response Protocols developed by the "I Love U Guys" Foundation.

Please follow the "DO'S AND DON'TS" of an emergency event.
DO talk to your child about school safety
DO subscribe to the CISD messaging program
DO complete the Annual Verification of Student Registration. This will ensure your contact information is up to date and authorized contact/pick up persons are up to date
DO check your email and text messages.
DO wait for communication of arrival and release times if an emergency coincides with the start or end of school
DO make sure to follow the CISD and your on social media
DO be aware of the Cleveland ISD Emergency and Reunification Policies
DO stay calm and alert
DON'T call your student - Some emergency responses require everyone to be quite. Also, false information could be given by either the student or the parent/guardian
DON'T call school - this allows for open communication for emergency personnel and school officials
DON'T go to the school - Arriving at the school before it is secure can interfere with the emergency response, cause traffic jams, block emergency responders, and put you in danger
DON'T send someone that is not on the approved list to pick up your child
“In Your Room or Area. Clear the Halls”
HOLD is a response to an event that requires limited movement in any area of the school. Staff and students are to stay in their classroom or a designated safe area until the hold is lifted.
An altercation in the hall: Students will be held in class until the hall is clear and safe.
A medial issue: Students will be held in class to allow for clear halls/areas for medical intervention.
“Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors”
SECURE is a response activated when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building. Secure uses the security of the physical facility to act as protection.
An unknown or unauthorized person on the grounds
Dangerous animal on or near school grounds
Criminal activity in the area
“Locks, Lights, Out of Sight”
LOCKDOWN is an emergency alert and response to imminent danger inside the school or on campus.
Students, staff, and visitors remain secured until police have controlled the situation.
In the event of a lockdown, remember, “Lock, Lights, Out of Sight.”
Angry or violent parent or student
Report of a weapon
Active assailant
EVACUATE is an emergency alert and response when it is too dangerous to remain in the building. Evacuate is called when there is a need to move people from one location to another for safety reasons.
Gas leak
Bomb threat
SHELTER is called when specific protective actions are needed based on a threat or hazard. Shelter strategies such as sealing the room, drop, cover and hold, and get to high ground depend on the type of threat or hazard.
Severe weather
Hazmat spill or release
Parent/Child Reunification Guidelines
A school may experience an emergency that requires that students be dismissed from school other than the usual time or location. In these rare instances, CISD will use a procedure known as the Parent/ Child Reunification (PCR) Plan. This plan is designed to be a safe and orderly procedure used to reunite students and parents in the event of an emergency. Depending on the situation, the PCR plan could be implemented at your child’s school or at an off-site location if the school building is unsafe.
Parent /Child Reunification Guidelines are below.
During an emergency, the child’s parent may not be available to pick up the child; therefore, it is prudent for parents and guardians to obtain from their school an Authorization for Release form. It is important for guardians to complete the Yearly Verification Renewals to make sure contact information is updated.
In addition, parents, guardians, and authorized individuals can help facilitate a safe and orderly PCR by adhering to the following procedures:
Subscribe to the communication tools on the CISD website: .
Come to school only after CISD has notified you that the school is ready to begin the PCR process.
Bring personal identification to assist school staff who will be identifying people that have been approved to pick up students. Custody issues remain in effect.
Park only in approved areas—do not park in the bus loop; do not block entrances or exits.
Follow instructions from school staff members as you enter and leave the building.
Safety and security is an CISD priority. Your child’s school always will take precautions to prevent an emergency; however, if an emergency does occur, CISD staff members will protect and shelter your children until they are reunited with you.